

  • Degree Type Degree
  • Program outcomesTransferEnter the workforce
  • Area of StudyHealth
  • Total Credit Hours69

学习如何通过x光和其他诊断成像协助诊断疾病 获得冰球突破豪华版大学放射学应用科学副学士学位. Our 学分课程在蓝铃校区最先进的健康科学中心举行.

虽然超过60%的放射工作在医院,你也可以 在医生办公室,医疗和诊断实验室工作,包括诊断 imaging centers, and outpatient care centers. Employment of radiologic technologists 预计在未来十年将增长15%——比所有国家的平均水平都快 occupations.

关于先修课程的更多信息, tuition and fees, student employment, transfer credits and credit for life experience, withdrawals and refunds 可致电 Check the academic calendar for program dates.

Program Goals and Outcomes

Program Goals

  1. 培养学生胜任,入门级放射技师谁满足 healthcare needs of the community.
    • 学生将能够充分执行入门级能力的程序.
    • 学生将选择适当的技术因素进行高质量的患者检查.
    • 学生将根据目前的研究,示范正确的辐射防护措施.
  2. 培养学生表现出适当的,专业的沟通技巧.
    • 学生将使用适当的词汇和语言口头传达信息, concepts and ideas.
    • 学生将使用系统的方法来定位和使用信息来计划和 write professional papers.
  3. 培养学生发展和实践有效的解决问题的能力和批判性 thinking skills.
    • 学生将展示改变技术因素以应对各种问题的能力 changes in the clinical setting.
    • 学生将为现实世界的临床问题提供解决方案.
    • 学生将评估放射图像的适当定位和图像质量.
  4. 培养学生以专业的方式行事.
    • 学生将认识到可接受的职业行为.
    • 学生将练习适当的职业行为.
    • 学生将讨论人际关系与专业发展的重要性 or career advancement.

Program Outcomes

持续监控项目满意度,艺术艺术培训考试通过率,就业安置和 学生完成率符合JRCERT认证.

    1. 毕业生将在6个月内第一次通过ARRT国家认证 Post- graduation.
    2. 在寻求就业的学生中,毕业生将在12个月内获得有薪就业 post-graduation.
    3. 学生将在rad100入学后的21个月内完成课程.
    4. 毕业生会对他们的教育感到满意.
    5. 毕业生将在工作场所展示出整体的专业风范.
    6. 雇主会对毕业生的表现感到满意.

该项目评估这6个目标及其具体的学生学习成果 an annual basis. 这个正在进行的评估计划在网上为所有项目官员提供 访问,并可在任何时候在学生的要求查看.

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放射学应用科学副学士学位课程由美国放射学会认证 放射技术联合审查委员会.


20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300

放射学项目的现行认证标准 (PDF)

毕业生有资格参加国家认证考试 the 美国放射技师注册协会 (ARRT).

Institutional accreditation information

Special Admission Requirements

希望参加放射学课程的学生必须提交所需的材料 证书,并要求与放射学课程学术顾问会面 prior to enrolling in RAD 100.

About the admission process

Mission & Goals

放射学应用科学副学士学位的使命与 蒙哥马利县社区学院的使命. The program recognizes that students 他们的需求、兴趣和愿望不同. As a result, the program is organized 协助和准备学生成为所需的技术能力水平 非常合格和成功的放射技师. The program will provide students with meaningful educational experiences.

Learn more

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Explore Careers


Program Curriculum

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General Education Requirements

Course ID Title Credits
CMS 110 or CMS 120 Speech Communication or Public Speaking 3
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
ENG 115 Writing for Technical Communication 3
Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Elective: MAT 106, MAT 130, MAT 131, MAT 140, MAT 188, MAT 189, or MAT 190 or higher 3-4
Cultural Awareness and Diversity 任何认可的文化意识和多样性选修课  3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3

Major Requirements


Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
BIO 132 Anatomy and Physiology II 4
RAD 100 Introduction to Radiography 3
RAD 103
(asynchronous format)
Radiation Protection and Biology 2
RAD 104 Clinical Education I 3
RAD 105 Radiation Physics and Imaging Equipment 3
RAD 106 Radiographic Image
Production and Analysis
RAD 111 Radiographic Procedures I 3
RAD 114 Clinical Education II 3
RAD 121 Radiographic Procedures II 3
RAD 124 Clinical Education III 4
RAD 214 Clinical Education IV 4
RAD 221
Radiographic Procedures III 3
RAD 224 Clinical Education V 4
RAD 230 Radiographic Pathology 2
RAD 251 Imaging Professionals
and Professional Readiness

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Full-time sample course schedule

Semester 1

Course ID Title Credits
BIO 131 Anatomy and Physiology I 4
MAT 106 or higher MATH Elective 3-4
ENG 101 English Composition I 3

Semester 2

Course ID Title Credits
BIO 132 Anatomy and Physiology II 4
ENG 115 Writing for Technical Communication 3

Semester 3 - Fall

Course ID Title Credits
RAD 100 Introduction to Radiography 3
RAD 106 Radiographic Image Production and Analysis 3
RAD 104 Clinical Education I 3
RAD 111 Radiographic Procedures I 3

Semester 4

Course ID Title Credits
RAD 105 Radiation Physics and Imaging Equipment 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
RAD 114 Clinical Education II
RAD 121 Radiographic Procedures II
Semester 5
RAD 124 Clinical Education III 4
Semester 6
RAD 103 Radiation Protection and Biology 2
RAD 214 Clinical Education IV 4
RAD 221 Radiographic Procedures III 3
CMS 110 or CMS 120 Speech Communication or Public Speaking 3
Semester 7
RAD 224 Clinical Education V 4
RAD 230 Radiographic Pathology 2
RAD 251 成像专业人员和专业准备 3
Elective 任何认可的文化意识/多样性选修课 3